MTM – Magyar Target-Pulzus Média Kutató Kft. – was established in 1998. The company was established to distribute and operate a modern technology representing pager (personal caller) communication device. Digital telephony and mobile phone technology replaced personal callers, and MTM Kft. started to develop and operate call and contact center technologies and database management software.
Traditional research data collection is in crisis around the world. It is increasingly difficult to make personal, so-called face-to-face interviews with people. Due to the declining willingness of respondents, telephone interview inquiries are also facing increasing difficulties.
Thus, personal data collection has become more expensive, landline telephony is used by older people, and the voice transmission function of mobile telephony is starting to be pushed out of the communication toolbox of young and very young people. Sensing the situation, in 2017 MTM Kft. started the development of the Pulse Research Application.
The MTM team has recognized that smart devices can now be used to reach almost the entire population, including the younger generation with outstanding efficiency.
As the MTM team already had the developed, working, well-tested tools to reach the other age groups (namely: wired IVR technology to reach the elderly, live audio recording for the busy or underdeveloped, and mobile messaging data collection to reach the middle-aged), therefore it began to use these data collection tools in a complex way.
The Pulse © Research System is one of the latest research methodologies that allows us to perform market and opinion research primarily through an application installed on smartphones. The System is also suitable for integrating the results of other data collection methods (telephone survey, personal survey). The owners and colleagues of MTM Pulse Research have decades of experience in telemarketing, market research and opinion research.
Their work is supported by state-of-the-art technical equipment.
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