Pulzus Researcher

Research data that is easy to analyze and interpret.


IN THE NEW WORLD a world dominated by social media, we are a UNIQUE platform where you can HONESTLY express your opinion and we, from the answers given by the community, will show its results impartially and quickly AS IT IS!

And we provide our customers with the much-mentioned REPRESENTATIVENESS from this community.

In addition to RAPIDITY, INDEPENDENT and PROFESSIONAL, decades of expertise is the key to our success and the success of our partners.


PULZUS Researcher

Specialist of lightning-fast research

The largest market – and opinion research workshop working with a telephone application.

Part of the Pulzus Research System is a community of respondents whose members agree to answer the questions sent to them. Currently, the Pulzus© panel has tens of thousands of registered members and this number is growing dynamically. Members of the Pulzus community are characterized by a balanced male-female ratio (45% -55%) and the fact that 95% of them belong to the 18-59 age group.

A representative, methodologically justified research tool with the best price-to-value ratio

The prices of the research are favorable, as there are no higher costs of fieldwork added. Active sampling ensures that participants with different parameters from the panel are included in the appropriate proportions in the sample. We perform weighting based on age, gender, settlement type, and education. By performing statistical weighting, our results well reflect the opinions, habits and intentions of the country as a whole, or, depending on the focus of the research, a certain social and consumption stratum.

Quick research with just a couple of days lead-time, and real-time data

Even a few days from the first contact to receiving the final results may be enough. Part of the process is the quotation, followed by the compilation of the questionnaire, and then sending of the questions to the application begins, which is the data collection process. This is followed by a methodological analysis of the data, and the preparation of a summary study on the final result.

Flexible query structure and easily interpretable result data.

Within the Pulzus Research System, we can handle both closed and open questions. Both single and multiple-choice questions can be used. The ‘Tree’ questioning structure can be applied, namely that a question only comes up if certain preconditions are met. We can prioritize and schedule the questions.


ZRI Závecz Research Piac- és Társadalomkutató Intézet

Impetus Research Kft.

“Professionals in designing the most appropriate questionnaire for the purpose. Keeping in touch is fast and reliable.” – Péter S.

“We have used Pulzus’s services several times. We have received fast and reliable help from them.” – Éva F.

“Pulzus Research obtains the information we need to make decisions and summarizes it in a way which is well useable to us.” – Gyöngyvér N.

Research areas

Guide to appropriate questions

All great market and public opinion research is based on the right question, questionnaire.

Our market research team has created an ebook called “The Art of Asking” that makes it easy to ask perfect questions.

Get it now!